Hansgrohe EcoSmart


Hansgrohe showers and faucets equipped with EcoSmart technology use up to 60 percent less water than conventional products. This decrease in hot water consumption also means lower energy requirements. All in all, that means fewer carbon dioxide emissions and lower costs, meaning EcoSmart is good for the environment and your wallet.

Hansgrohe EcoSmart is seamlessly integrated into your Hansgrohe product. Its effect, however, cannot be overlooked.

Your benefits with the EcoSmart technology:

  • Reduced water consumption to up to 9 l/min for overhead and hand showers (Green products even consume just 6 l/min).
  • hansgrohe faucets require just 5 liters of water per minute as standard
  • Less hot water consumption, which means reduced energy consumption and costs
  • Lower CO2 emissions due to reduced energy consumption
  • Constant flow even at different water pressures

For detailed info on EcoSmart visit Hansgrohe.